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seed bead necklace

seed bead necklace

1994 (age 4)

Glass Seed Beads, Dental Floss, Clasp

I'm not sure how I managed to talk my way into a hair-thin beading needle and these miniscule beads as a toddler, but I do recall sitting on the wool rug in the living room and crafting this necklace while my mom was sick in bed with the flu. At one point I added too many round beads in a row, and in trying to remove some, got my thread tied in an incurable knot. I brought it in to my mom in distress, and she advised me to incorporate it into the design. Good advice! I'm not sure if I made this right before or after I got my first coke-bottle glasses, but the meticulousness surprises and alarms me to this day. This artifact is an excellent example of my early-onset Lenaism.

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